Friday, September 21, 2018

Feminine Mystique

Mouths like reception
Towers and exterior ornamentation but bare inner walls with cracked and damp bubbled paint.
Of damaged and crumbling towers outside but beautiful and fragrant on the inside.

Some priests and nuns just party all the time and in some they study and write and philosophise.

Some would bar me from the drinking fountain and some would let me enter the inner chamber for a short while and for a price
Some were desperate for disciples that they would let just anybody in and in those I felt invisible.
Some required me to be a saint first and perform 3 miracles before I was granted entry to the sanctum but they let me drink at the fountain in the meantime.

Some would say I didn't pray in quite the right way and some thought I could not pray at all.
And some have left me bruised and battered, and stronger than before.

I have wandered upon many different temples;
Some as similar as all the others and some as different as can be.
For many years now have I travelled through the desert

searching for my religion.

Yet still in the sky the hope-star shines,
and still i see on the horizon more temples to explore.